Email from Ruben Zorrilla, MD, Medical Director; Berkin Ulgen, MD; and Steve Monaco, Director of the 健康中心 at Auraria




Potential Exposure Guidance

The Coronavirus pandemic is constantly changing, 因此,如果情况和新的临床发现需要对内容进行修订,下面列出的指南可能会被修改.

由于冠状病毒疾病的广泛传染性, 医务人员和公共卫生机构不得不调整指导方针,以最好地应对美国和当地越来越多的冠状病毒阳性病例.

Under normal circumstances, 当某一社区或某一特定人群的子集报告出现传染病阳性病例时, 公共卫生官员试图通知可能接触过病毒的个人. 然而,鉴于冠状病毒在美国的迅速渗透.S., with a rapid escalation of positive cases, 公共卫生官员必须以不同的方式利用他们的资源, reprioritizing their standard procedures, 以更有效地回应美国公众的迫切需求.

鉴于冠状病毒的高度传染性, the ongoing community spread and limited resources, 医学界的重点已从遏制战略转向缓解战略. 结果是, 告知可能与检测呈阳性的人有过接触的个人是不可行的. 因此, 如果您的冠状病毒检测呈阳性,则无需通知Auraria卫生中心主任, 因为结果是由科罗拉多州公共卫生和环境部核实和收集的. 自20年3月18日起,提供以下新指南,以便个人能够更好地响应他们的特殊需求.


  • 如果你对你的症状有任何担忧,打电话给医疗服务提供者
  • If you have a medical emergency, call 911
  • 洗手
    • 洗手 通常用肥皂和水冲洗至少20秒,尤其是在你去过公共场所之后, or after blowing your nose, 咳嗽, 或打喷嚏.
    • If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. 覆盖双手的所有表面,相互摩擦,直到双手感觉干燥.
    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • 用可用的消毒产品定期清洁表面.


场景1:你有通常与冠状病毒相关的症状(发烧), 咳嗽, shortness of breath).

  • You should treat yourself as if you may have COVID-19.
  • 绝大多数检测呈阳性的个体会有轻微症状或无症状(没有症状)。. 如果症状轻微,可以考虑服用非处方药物.
  • Self-isolate for 10 days. 自我隔离的定义是待在家里,远离他人, 与生活在同一家庭的家庭成员完全隔离. While at home self-monitor your symptoms (e.g., take your temperature if feeling feverish). If symptoms are well managed at home, 自我隔离10天,72小时不发烧(不服用退烧药), before self-isolation is ended.
  • 目前,美国的检测试剂盒和个人防护装备供应短缺.S. 在科罗拉多州. 由于这种短缺,必须满足特定标准才能有资格进行冠状病毒检测. 然而, 请了解疾病预防控制中心和州卫生官员可能随时更改测试标准.
  • Current testing criteria: You are 65 or older, a healthcare worker, or have one of the following conditions: pregnancy, uncontrolled diabetes, 血液透析, chronic lung disease (e.g. on supplemental oxygen, pulmonary hypertension), 癌症, 在化疗, 器官移植, 爱滋病病毒或爱滋病, immune deficiencies, 需要免疫抑制剂或其他重要危险因素治疗的疾病.
  • If you are 65 or older, a healthcare worker, 或被诊断出有其他健康问题(如上文所述), call your medical provider when symptoms first occur, 让他们评估你是否应该亲自去看医生和/或是否应该接受冠状病毒检测.
  • 如果你对你的症状有任何担忧,打电话给医疗服务提供者.
  • If you have a medical emergency, call 911.
Scenario #2: You have NO symptoms, 但你可能接触过COVID-19检测呈阳性的人.

Example: You were in a location, meeting or at an event where someone who tested positive attended; you may or may not have had direct contact with the individual who tested positive.

  • Self-quarantine for 14 days. 自我隔离的定义是呆在家里,这样你就不会把疾病传染给别人. 在家庭内部,家庭试图尽可能地保持社交距离. 如果您在14天内保持无症状(没有症状),您可以结束自我隔离. 然而,继续保持社交距离来保护自己.
  • 目前,美国的检测试剂盒和个人防护装备供应短缺.S. 在科罗拉多州. 由于这种短缺,必须满足特定标准才能有资格进行冠状病毒检测. 然而, 请了解疾病预防控制中心和州卫生官员可能随时更改测试标准. 在这个例子中, assuming you remain asymptomatic (without any symptoms), 你不太可能有资格进行冠状病毒检测, based on current guidelines.
  • If you should become symptomatic (i.e., you develop symptoms) during your self-quarantine period, 请参考上述场景#1中概述的内容.
  • If you have a medical emergency, call 911.


  • Consistently practice social distancing; limit activities and where you go to reduce your contact with others as much as possible, attempting to stay 6 feet apart from others. You should avoid going into public places at prime times; instead, consider shopping online.
  • 按照本文档所述定期洗手和清洁表面.

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